News Update 7_19_21: Challenges, ships, and beginning to playtest GBF 2.0 !
**Editors note : Thank you for 8500 downloads and counting !** As we work to make GBF the game you deserve we appreciate all of your support and feedback which is helping us craft a better title for our community as a whole!
Hello GBF Community sorry for the long hiatus, we've been steadily working on the next update and have some new stuff to show you!
Don't forget to keep an eye on our social media accounts at
Challenges and Achievements
Challenges preview
So you've mowed down wave after wave of Aliens what?! Well we absolutely have been reading your comments and yes we are developing a challenge and achievement system as we speak . We want to give you more objectives to focus on in your battles than just killing and getting highscores. We want to award you for finding secrets, using specific types of weapons frequently, clearing larger lifetime goals, yes slaughtering enemy aliens by the truckload, and even dabbling in our current powerup system with a few drinks on the house.
Behind the scenes peak of our challenges being created in editor !
We're gradually filling out and deciding on challenge types to complete within our larger Challenge database so stay turned as we work to showcase how this challenge system will work within our larger gameplay systems.
Rethinking our introduction
Test Driving the new ships our players may arrive to our central Hub station in!
We want Galactic Bar fight to feel more lived in so we want your arrival to the main hub area to feel special. We're playing with ship models, voiceover, and just trying to get a good sense of how to best welcome you back to the world of Galactic Bar Fight , this is a brief screenshot from our most recent playtests as we figure out how to reintroduce ourselves and introduce you to our new vision of the GBF universe.
Beginning our new combat system playtests
Trying a Scythe on our new Enemy types
Unfortunately, development has been progressing slower than we'd like but our team has just reached the point where we have basic enemies set up, our base weapons working, and we can unleash our wrath on the brutes of the GBF universe.
We are enjoying seeing and feeling our Galactic playground of destruction coming together !
We look forward to getting builds into some playtesters hands too shortly so please reach out over social media or at our email address: if you're interested !
That's about it for this update we're shooting to release the next update by the end of August but we'd rather leave you impatiently waiting rather than have you unhappy with what we createand we will push the release back to September if it doesn't feel like the game experience we want to deliver to you .
Thank you so much for giving us your attention and time !